Butiken i Tenhult

Kelly blouse blå/grå vneck


Fina vringade blusen från Ahlvar är ju precis lika underbar som deras övriga plagg.

Färg: Bluegrey 

Kvalitet: 97% Siden 3% Elastan 



"Silk is one of the most exclusive materials you can possibly wear. It has an amazing finish and falls beautifully on the body, at the same time; it is both timeless and luxurious. One of its many other strengths is also the fact that silk is a breathable material, which means that you don’t have to wash it every time it has been worn. Silk is although a fragile material that needs to be handled with care." To keep it in a great condition and make it last as long as possible we recommend following:

1. Steam it If the blouse isn’t dirty, steam it!
* A steamer kills 99% of all bacteria. Meaning, if you don't have a spot on your silk garment, don't wash it, just steam it and it will feel like new again.
* You can't burn your silk garment which is extremely easy with an ironer.
* As an opposite to the ironer there won't be any sharp creases.
* Bring it when you travel, it's super light and takes very little space.
* Our favorite hand steamer is this one and costs only 212SEK.
* Watch this video to see how easy it is.

2. Wash it
If you need to wash it, you can either choose dry-clean or use the hand wash program on your washing machine.

If you choose the hand wash program, please make sure you do the following:
* Use a detergent that is free from enzymes, preferably a silk detergent or a special detergent for fine and fragile items (ordinary detergent damages the fat that gives silk its soft feeling). We can really recommend this one.
Please don't use Y3, their silk detergent doesn't contain caring and moisturizing products.
* Make sure the cup where you normally have detergent is cleaned so that old powder doesn't effect your silk piece.
* Make sure all zippers are closed and wash the silk piece by itself.
* Once the garment is washed, hang it directly on a hanger to dry. In this case you won't get any extra creases.

3. Iron / Steam
If you have to iron, make sure it doesn’t get warmer than one dot because it's super easy to burn the silk fabric. You can use full steam on your iron to get the fabric completely smooth.

But of course, we highly recommend a hand steamer. With a steamer you can’t burn or damage the silk, it’s easy to bring with you when you travel and you steam the blouse while it’s hanging on a hanger. It is both easy, time-saving and gives a great result.

Ordinarie pris
2 195 kr
1 095 kr